MISSION STATEMENT: “Service with Pride and Professionalism”
WE, the members of the Village of Chester Police Department, are committed to providing ethical, quality and responsive service to the community with pride and professionalism. WE are committed to improving the quality of life for those we serve by delivering the highest standard of police services.
WE envision a future where law-abiding citizens feel safe and take pride and comfort in the quality of life in our community; a future where disorder and criminal activity continues to be vigorously and intelligently pursued. WE envision our department as a superior service-oriented organization that incorporates innovative strategies, contemporary technologies, proven community policing philosophies, positive leadership, and efficient and effective use of resources into all organizational decisions.
Commitment to Service
WE believe our primary duty is to safeguard lives and property, while respecting the human and constitutional rights of all.
Commitment to Community Involvement
WE believe community partnerships are critical elements of our organization. Collaboration, cooperation and communication with our citizens and businesses are the framework for successful community-oriented policing.
Commitment to Our Employees
WE believe that our employees are the greatest and most valuable assets of our organization; and that through regular training, education, career development, exemplary leadership and organizational support, our employees will reach the highest standards of performance and professional satisfaction, while serving the needs of our community.
Commitment to Responsibility and Accountability
WE believe that the prudent and effective management of our resources is critical to the future of our organization.
The Village of Chester was founded in 1845. The first full-time uniformed Police Officer was hired in the fall of 1947. For many years prior to this, Harold “Slivers” Ringen was the Chief of Police at a salary of $100 per year. Chief Ringen was on-call 24 hours a day and generally took care of domestic and barroom disputes. The State Police handled traffic, felonies, etc.
In the 1940’s Joseph Scandura and William Van Etten were also Village Constables.
The first full-time Officer was in uniform eight hours a day/five days a week with Wednesdays and Sundays off and on-call 24 hours a day/seven days a week. Originally, no patrol car was provided. The Officer used his own car and was reimbursed for gasoline.
After several years of this arrangement, the Village purchased a patrol car. Paul Kreher was the first full-time Police Officer followed by Walter Lipsey, Frank Garvilla, Fred Deshler Jr., Vic Roggia and Roger Phillips.
Though many incidents illustrate their dedication, a good many hours were spent in serving the general public from crossing school children to assisting a lady trying to park her car. Always known by their first name and treated more like a favorite Uncle than a Law Enforcement Officer, the residents relied upon the Police for that helping hand when needed.
Occasionally, serious encounters took place. A labor incident at Chester Cable where a non-union worker crossed the picket line and was threatened with tar and feathers caused the Police of Chester to take action and restore order preventing serious offenses.
The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services/Office of Public Safety certifies the modern Police force. Their dedication exemplifies the small town Police of our country.
Past Chiefs
Victor Roggia, Sergeant in Charge
1964 – 1974

Roger Phillips,
1974 – 1981

Michael W. Farrell,
1981 – 2000

William Nery,
2000 – 2006

Peter J. Graziano Jr.